Welcome, lover of word & poetry.

All Words Bright & Beautiful is the place you can find beautiful, HD mobile wallpapers for your iPhone or Android. You will love our vast collection, featuring obscure and beautiful English words you've never heard before. You will never have to settle for a boring wallpaper ever again. 

Here's more about it.

I created All Words Bright & Beautiful to share my love for words with the world. 

Have you ever thought about how the fabric of our reality is formed by words? The universe itself was formed by the words that the Creator spoke in the beginning, springing the rivers of time and space into existence, bringing forth light from darkness, and life from nothing.  

As those who bear the image of our Creator, our words too, have power. The words we say and think will shape our reality and influence our actions, for good or for ill, for eternal consequence on immortal souls.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, as we revel in the glory of Creation and in the wonder of all words bright and beautiful.

Soli deo gloria.

—Josh (founder of All Words Bright & Beautiful)

This website was made with care by Resurrection Design, Co.